Feb 18
Closeup Competition [OPEN]
Closeup Competition [OPEN]
JAM + effects from the Closeup Comp
Aldo Columbini Evening
Bring & Buy Sale
Parlour Competition [OPEN]
JAM + effects from the Parlour Comp
Lecture TBA
Fool Us
Dover Rog Knockout Comp [OPEN]
JAM + effects from the Knockout Comp
Lecture: TBA
Ali Bongo Competition [OPEN]
Annual Dinner
JAM + effects from the Ali Bongo Comp
Mentalism Competition
JAM + effects from the Mentalism Comp
Bunny Pull [FAMILY OPEN}
The Committee endeavours to present the programme as indicated, but changes on short notice may be required.
Please note that, as meetings are frequently recorded, participation in any Society event is taken as indicating agreement to appearing in any recording that may be made.
Many of the Society's Members are available for hire to provide entertainment at your event. For more information, please contact the Secretary.
We welcome new Members. Anyone with a genuine interest in magic is invited to join the Society. For more information, please click HERE.
Members who have difficulty in logging in or encounter problems on the site should contact the webmaster.
Please address all communication to the Secretary.